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Repunzel, Repunzel

Today was a very special day in our family. Sophia was in her very first (hopefully not last) play this morning. Her Pre-K class has been working on their own version of “Repunzel” for weeks. We knew that Sophia was going to be the Mom/Queen but really didn’t know much beyond that. Every time I asked her to tell me her lines she couldn’t remember them. Great.

For the last two weeks we have been dropping her off in the mornings in the auditorium so they could get started practicing first thing. Originally we thought Joe and Ira weren’t going to be able to come due to feeding school. But yesterday I asked if Ira could skip his first session so that Joe could attend the play. They conceded.

The other tricky part about the morning was that I had to ask my music classes if they would mind postponing class by 30 minutes each. We were told the play and cast party (oh yeah) would last from 8:30-10am. I assumed it would not be a problem to leave the cast party in time to be at my class by 10am. After all, how long can a play with 36 four and five year olds actually last?

Long story short, the play started well after 9am and lasted until 10:10am. Joe and I were trying so hard to enjoy it by the end but were both going crazy inside knowing we were both supposed to be other places. There was no way we could leave before it was over, however. Sophia would have been crushed. In fact when we told her that we wouldn’t be able to stay for the “cast party” she broke down into tears. So, of course I stayed.

On my way to my class, I received a voicemail from the feeding clinic asking where we were. Apparently the message had not been relayed that Ira would be late. When I arrived at my music class at 10:30am, the nannies were not pleased. We agreed to have a make-up class in a couple weeks. When I began my second class, I realized the song list I printed out before I left the house was still sitting on the printer. Oops. What else??? I had to wing the whole class.

Although the morning was completely stressful, the play was precious. Sophia’s teachers did such an amazing job on the set and costumes and the script was really sweet. There were more cameras than at the Oscars. All that was missing was the red carpet. Pictures/video coming soon..

One comment on “Repunzel, Repunzel

  1. Bravo Sophia ,Take a Bow!:)

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