open up…

Well, Friday did not get any better. In fact, one of the therapists suggested we skip the last meal because Ira was regressing a bit. He was so tired and upset he didn’t want any part of the food. So I took him home a little early although we didn’t get home any earlier because it took 2 hours to get home due to rain and traffic. I think there is no way around Friday afternoon traffic in the city.

That night and the following day he cried when we put him down to sleep. He NEVER cries when going to bed. If anything he will just talk to himself for a bit but he never cries. I just think the whole experience threw him for a loop. He was so out of whack. This weekend he got some good naps and I had to wake him up at 7am this morning which also never happens.

We were instructed to feed him 3 times both days this weekend. Joe took Sophia upstate for a work day at Camp Shiloh on Saturday so it was just Ira and me. He did pretty well but yesterday he had 2 GREAT sessions with Joe. He was closing his mouth around the spoon which a huge step!

Unfortunately the crying began at home this morning at the mere mention of feeding school. I’m praying that he will connect with someone there today that will help make the transitions easier. Joe is with him today so at least I don’t have to witness the turmoil firsthand.

The process used to get Ira eating seems very Pavlovian. He is instructed to “open” his mouth when presented with the spoon. Then if he opens and swallows, he gets to play with a toy for about 15 seconds. The toy is then removed and he is instructed to “open” again. This process goes on for 40 bites or about 30 minutes each session.

11 comments on “open up…

  1. I am a longtime lurker on Joe’s blog…just felt led to comment here today. My DD was born extremely prematurely and was fed via g-tube for two and a half years. We put her in an feeding therapy program at ten months, and she graduated last fall. The techniques they used, and at that we adopted at home, ARE pavlovian, but they work. Hang in there…there are surely rough days ahead, but Ira will get the hang of it!

  2. AWww,,, My heart goes out to you. It is never easy watching your child get upset or start to dislike something so much they cry.

    We have never been to a clinic like yourselves but what you are discribing is exactly what we use to do with John. We still do today except we use a pad with stars that stick on with velcro. Once John got 5 stars we take them off and do it again. He loved the reward system and I think that is a big part of why he is the way he is today. He is always looking to us for approval when he does something new.

    Keep fightin the fight! You guys are doing awesome!

  3. P.S. He looks soooo grown up in that chair – looking like a little man! XOXO :0)

  4. We’re rooting for ya over here!! Glad to hear he did decent over the weekend… hopefully a sign of what’s to come!

  5. Laura, Ira is in my prayers every day as well as the rest of y’all. I know the whole process must be difficult, but I just pray the end results make it all worthwhile for Ira. We love you. We’re cheering for Ira. God bless. Aunt Jackie

  6. That must be so hard to witness. This too will pass…

  7. It is so hard to watch them struggle , but they have to get through it and he will,so will you ! Good luck with the next session , I hope he wants to eat everything in sight 😉
    God Bless ,and Just breath , relax all will happen in its own time 🙂

  8. the approach used sounds a lot like ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) we’ve used this in working with John’s behaviors. it’s been very successful for us and i feel like we now automatically use that approach when trying to change behaviors at home. it is tough and very intensive. hang in there! praying for success and a safe drive.

  9. sweet, precious boy… i am praying for these sessions… for ira, for you, for joe!

  10. I don’t know you, but some people that have kept up with my micro preemie twins also read your blog and sent me to yours. They suggested this because we are also at a feeding clinic..we’ve named ours “feeding camp”. it is al ittl different situation, because we’re still working on the bottle, but I know the frustration and the disapointment when the honeymoon is over. My heart is with you guys while we’re down here doing much of the same things. If you want to…our blog is http://www.thephillipsphamily.blogspot.com
    Hang in there. I’m here with other kids that sound much like yours and they’ve said that it has been slow, but that it happens! Blessings to your little eating student!

  11. Conintuing to pray for you and your family, Laura!

    Much love,

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