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My dearest Opal June,

You’re two now so I think you are old enough to hear these words: Oh. My.

Your daddy and I wonder how we can love you so much, from the very depths of our hearts, and yet can be sent over the edge so quickly by your daily tantrums. We can see the evil stares we get from others when we are quick to give you whatever the heck you want while waiting in line to check out at Target. They just don’t understand the amount of cotton they will need for their ears if we tell you no. Uh oh. Did I really just confess to this?

You are talking so much now and you have wonderful manners. You are quick to say please and thank you and instead of the typical “yeah” in response to something you complete the word with the most beautiful sounding “s”.

Me:”Opal, do you want some juice?”
Opal: “Yesss”

You love to watch Dora and Sesame Street and thanks to your big brother and sister, you’ve seen far too much TV; things we would never have allowed them to watch at your age. Indeed, you know the theme song to “Scooby Doo”.

You know you’re way around a chicken nugget (Your favorite are from Chick-Fil-A) and you never turn down a good “nack” (ie snack), but you have an uncanny ability to avoid anything resembling a vegetable. I could put a green jelly bean in front of you and you wouldn’t touch it due to its color.

You LOVE animals of all shapes and sizes and are usually the first to spot any “woof woof” from the car or stroller or anywhere else one happens by. But not just dogs get your attention. You are interested in cats, frogs, ducks, horses, caterpillars, birds. You are fascinated by them all.

Opal, the strength of your will is something to be reckoned with. But you have a gentle side that is also quite remarkable. If anyone in your familiar circle appears upset, (and I say “appears” because, yes, sometimes we fake it) you can’t kiss them fast enough. You want to make sure they are O.K.

O.J., you have brought much joy, laughter, and healing to us the past two years. Our love for you has no end. We can’t begin to imagine what the next 2, 5, 10 years will be like with you among us. Oh. My. My. My. You are my sunshine girl.

I love you always,

One comment on “deux

  1. Amen, to all of that.

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