day 1

Today could not have gone better. Ira did so well! I was so proud of him. I watched him eat at 11:30am, skipped the 2:30pm feeding because I was attending a “family meeting” with the other parents, and watched him eat again at 3:15pm. His therapist was very impressed that he let her in his mouth and didn’t put up too much of a fight.

He napped (something I was concerned about) and his caregiver, Mimi, said he played very well with the other children. The one time I peeked he was trying to take a toy away from a little girl who would scream every time he came near. I think he just liked taunting her. When I picked him up, Mimi said, “I’ve never had a child thank me for changing his or her diaper! He has such nice manners.” That’s my boy!

All day I kept hearing comments of disbelief from parents about their children. There are about 6 other children in the program – all at different stages. Along with Ira, two others started this week, another is in her 3rd week and 2 will be graduating this Friday. The common theme seemed to be about what amazing progress the kids were all making.

My only complaint for the day was that it took over two hours to get home. Ughh. Tomorrow I teach my music class so Joe will be making the trek.

Thanks for the prayers and well-wishes!

11 comments on “day 1

  1. Wow! That’s just what I wanted to read! Praise God!

  2. Laura, the news about Ira’s day was great to read. Just want you to know that we’re thinking of you all, praying that he continues to do well, and cheering for his progress. We love you.

  3. So excited to hear about all of Ira’s great progress. My prediction is that he will be eating soley by mouth before August and g-tube will be removed by Sept. Wow! Wouldn’t that be nice. Also are you guys going through Staten Island??? Maybe to go to St. Jo’s going through the city is good but coming home you certainly should consider going through Staten Island its really, really easy, a straight run!

  4. I am not surprised that Ira did so well … he takes every challenge that comes his way and runs like the wind with it … we could all learn a thing or two from your son ! He is an ultimate Rock Star! I can only imagine what he will accomplish when he gets older … one can only imagine… Go ahead Ira!

  5. way to go Ira!

  6. Awesome, sweet boy! Keep up the good work! Laura and Joe, hang tough!

  7. Way to go Ira!! I’m not surprised at all!!! He is a champ!!!!

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